
آذربايجان سر ايران

تاريخ ايران زمين


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Canadian Government's position on Iranian's Affair:
As it was e-maild by on time Foreign Affairs Minister Hon. Peter MacKay.

From: min.dfaitmaeci@international.gc
To: A constituent - Canadian Resident
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 6:19:19 AM

Mr. P D

Dear Mr. D....:

The Office of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, has forwarded to me your email and attached articles concerning the Iranian government. I regret the delay in replying to you.

The Government of Canada does not support a policy of regime change in Iran and, therefore, does not support any movement to overthrow the regime or to see parts of Iran secede. Canada believes it is up to the Iranian people to choose for themselves, through democratic means, how they wish to be governed. However, you may be assured that the Canadian government will continue its diplomatic efforts until all concerns about Iran, including its nuclear program and human rights situation, have been satisfactorily addressed.

Thank you for taking the time to write.


Peter G. MacKay
Minister of Foreign Affairs

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