ملاقات اعليحضرت شاهنشاه آريامهر و علياحضرت شهبانو با روسای جمهوری آمريکا
tate Visits By His Imperial Majesty and Her Imperial Majesty of Iran to
the United States

Rosalynn Carter and Jimmy Carter host welcoming ceremony for the state
visit of the Shah of Iran and Shahbanou of Iran., 11/15/1977
Courtesy of The Carter Library

Jimmy Carter and Shah of Iran inspect the troop during welcoming
ceremony for the Shah., 11/15/1977
Courtesy of The Carter Library

The Shah of Iran, Jimmy Carter, the Shahbanou of Iran and Rosalynn
Carter participate in a formal pose during a State Dinner, 11/15/1977
Meeting between Jimmy Carter and the Shah of Iran, 11/15/1977

Jimmy Carter and the Shah of Iran , 11/15/1977

The Shah of Iran and the Shahbanou of Iran present Jimmy Carter and
Rosalynn Carter with a tapestry of George Washington.,
November 15-16, 1977 - State visit. In U.S. November 14; visited
Williamsburg (Virginia).

The Shahbanou of Iran holds Jimmy Carter IV while Rosalynn Carter,
Caron Carter and Chip Carter watch., 01/18/1978

Empress of Iran with Rosalynn Carter, 07/11/1977
Courtesy of The Carter Library

Rosalynn Carter and Jimmy Carter with the Empress of Iran, 07/11/1977
Courtesy of The Carter Library

Arrival ceremony for Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter in Tehran, Iran.,
Courtesy of The Carter Library

Jimmy Carter and the Shah of Iran , 12/31/1977
Courtesy of The Carter Library

Jimmy Carter speaks at a State Dinner hosted by the Shah of Iran.,
Courtesy of The Carter Library

Jimmy Carter and the Shah toast at a State Dinner hosted by the Shah of
Iran., 12/31/1977
Courtesy of The Carter Library

Jimmy Carter and the Shah of Iran, 12/31/1977
Courtesy of The Carter Library

The Shahbanou of Iran and Rosalynn Carter , 12/31/1977
Courtesy of The Carter Library

Jimmy Carter and US officials meet with the Shah of Iran and Iranian
officials., 12/31/1977
Courtesy of The Carter Library

Jimmy Carter with King Hussein of Jordan, the Shah of Iran and the
Shahbanou of Iran., 12/31/1977
Courtesy of The Carter Library
Iran Remarks of the President and Mohammad Reza Palavi, Shahanshah of Iran at
the Welcoming Ceremony. - December 31st, 1977
Iran Toasts of the President and the Shah at a State Dinner. - December 31st,

President Ford and the Shah of Iran., 5/15/1975
Courtesy of The Gerald R. Ford Library

President Ford and the Shah of Iran., 5/15/1975
Courtesy of The Gerald R. Ford Library

President Ford and the Shah of Iran., 5/15/1975
Courtesy of The Gerald R. Ford Library

President Ford and the Shah of Iran., 5/15/1975
Courtesy of The Gerald R. Ford Library

President Ford and the Shah of Iran., 5/15/1975
Courtesy of The Gerald R. Ford Library

President Ford and the Shah of Iran., 5/15/1975
Courtesy of The Gerald R. Ford Library

President Ford and the Shah of Iran., 5/15/1975
Courtesy of The Gerald R. Ford Library

President Ford and the Shah of Iran., 5/15/1975
Courtesy of The Gerald R. Ford Library

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi - The Shah of Iran, 5/15/1975
Courtesy of The Gerald R. Ford Library

The Shah and Shahbanou of Iran and President Ford and First Lady Betty
Ford - 5/15/1975
Courtesy of The Gerald R. Ford Library

Mrs. Ford with the Shahbanou of Iran, - 5/15/1975
Courtesy of The Ford Library

The Shah of Iran, President Ford, the Shahbanou of Iran and Betty Ford
participate in a formal pose during a State Dinner. - 5/15/1975
Courtesy of The Gerald R. Ford Library

The Shah Iran and First Lady Betty Ford - 5/15/1975
Courtesy of The Gerald R. Ford Library

President Ford and Shahbanou of Iran, - 5/15/1975
Courtesy of The Ford Library
May 15-18, 1975 - State visit. In U.S. May 15; visited Williamsburg
of Welcome to Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shahanshah of Iran. - 5/15/1975
of the President and the Shah - 5/15/1975

Mrs. Ford with the Shahbanou (Queen) of Iran on the steps leading to the
Truman Balcony prior to hosting a luncheon in the Second Floor Family Dining
Room, 07/10/1975
Courtesy of The Ford Library

Arrival ceremony/Shah of Iran , 07/24/1973
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

President Nixon and the Shah of Iran in the Oval Office , 07/24/1973
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

President Nixon greets the Shah of Iran and Empress Farah at the White
House, 07/24/1973
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

President Nixon greets the Shah of Iran and Empress Farah at the White
House, 07/24/1973
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

President Nixon and the Shah of Iran, 07/24/1973
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

Patricia Nixon and the Shahbanou of Iran, 07/24/1973
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

The Shah of Iran, President Nixon, the Shahbanou of Iran and Patricia
Nixon participate in a formal pose during a State Dinner 07/24/1973
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

The Shah of Iran, President Nixon, the Shahbanou of Iran, Patricia Nixon
and actor Peter Falk 07/24/1973
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

The Shah of Iran, Secretary Henry Kissinger and Ambassador Ardeshir
Zahedi, 07/24/1973
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

President Nixon & Secretary Henry Kissinger and the Shah of Iran in the
Oval Office , 07/26/1973
Courtesy of The Nixon Library
July 24-26, 1973 - State visit. In U.S. July 23-27; visited
Williamsburg (Virginia).
of Welcome to His Imperial Majesty, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shahanshah of Iran -
July 24th, 1973
of the President and the Shah of Iran - July 24th, 1973
of the President and the Shah of Iran at a Dinner at the Iranian Embassy - July
25th, 1973

The Shah and Shahbanou of Iran greet President Nixon and First Lady
Patricia Nixon, 05/30/1972
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

President Nixon and the Shah of Iran, 05/30/1972
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

Students greet President Nixon and First Lady Patricia Nixon at Tehran
Mehrabad Airport, 05/30/1972
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

People greeting President Nixon's Motorcade near the Shahyad Monument,
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

President Nixon and the Shah of Iran, 05/30/1972
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

President Nixon and the Shah of Iran, 05/30/1972
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

First Lady Patricia Nixon and the Shahbanou of Iran, 05/31/1972
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

Children greet First Lady Patricia Nixon and the Shahbanou of Iran,
Courtesy of The Nixon Library
at the Shahyad Monument in Tehran, Iran. - May 30, 1972
of the President and Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, at a State Dinner in
Tehran. - May 30, 1972
of the President and the Shah of Iran at a Luncheon in Tehran Honoring Their
Imperial Majesties. - May 31, 1972

The Shah of Iran, President Nixon, and Mrs. Nixon in formal attire for a
state dinner in the White House, 10/21/1969
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

President Nixon and the Shah of Iran on the reviewing stand, on the
south lawn of the White House, 10/21/1969
Courtesy of The Nixon Library

The Shah of Iran and President Nixon , 10/21/1969
Courtesy of The Nixon Library
October 21-23, 1969 - Official visit. In U.S. October 17; visited
Williamsburg (Virginia) and New York City.

President Lyndon B. Johnson introduces Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to J. Waddy
Bullion, 06/11/1968
Courtesy of The LBJ Library

President Lyndon B. Johnson introduces Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to Mrs.
Waddy Bullion, 06/11/1968
Courtesy of The LBJ Library
of the President and the Shah of Iran - June 11th, 1968
June 12, 1968 - Private visit. In U.S. June 10-16; visited New York
City, St. Louis (Missouri), Cambridge (Massachusetts), and Chicago.

L-R: Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, President Lyndon B.Johnson, Lady Bird
Johnson, 08/22/1967
Courtesy of The LBJ Library

In conversation before State Dinner (foreground, L-R) Lady Bird Johnson
(back to camera), Lynda Johnson, V.P. Hubert Humphrey, Shah Mohammad Reza
Pahlavi of Iran, 08/22/1967
Courtesy of The LBJ Library

Mohammed Reza Pahlavi and President Lyndon B. Johnson speak in the Oval
Office, 08/23/1967
Courtesy of The LBJ Library
of Welcome at the White House to the Shah of Iran. (August 22, 1967)
of the President and His Imperial Majesty Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran.
(August 22, 1967)
Statement Following Discussions With the Shah of Iran. (August 23, 1967)
August 22-24, 1967 - Official visit. Arrived in New York City August

Meeting with the Shah of Iran. Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, President
Kennedy, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. White House, Cabinet Room,
Courtesy of The JFK Library

President and Mrs. Kennedy greet the Shah and the Shahbanou of Iran.
Courtesy of The JFK Library

President and Mrs. Kennedy pose with the Shah and the Shahbanou of Iran.
April 11, 1962
Courtesy of The JFK Library

President and Mrs. Kennedy with the Shah Iran.
April 11, 1962
Courtesy of The Ollie Atkins Photograph Collection,
Special Collections & Archives, George Mason University
April 11-14, 1962 - State visit at Washington and Onslow Beach (North
Carolina). In U.S. April 10-18, visiting Cape Canaveral (Florida), Fort
Bragg (North Carolina), and New York City.
of Welcome to the Shah and the Empress of Iran at the Washington National
Airport. April 11, 1962
of the President and the Shah of Iran. April 11, 1962

The Shah of Iran greets President Eisenhower at Tehran Mehrabad Airport,
Courtesy of Dwight D. Eisenhower Library

Photograph of President Eisenhower and the Shah of Iran, 12/14/1959
Courtesy of Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
Upon Arrival at Mehrabad Airport, Tehran. - December 14th, 1959
to the Members of the Parliament of Iran. - December 14th, 1959
Statement Following Discussions With the Shah of Iran. - December 14th, 1959
by the President at a Luncheon Given in His Honor by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
- December 14th, 1959
at the Mehrabad Airport, Tehran, Upon Leaving for Greece. - December 14th, 1959

Vice President Nixon greeting the Shah of Iran and Empress Soraya,
Courtesy of Dwight D. Eisenhower Library

Vice President Nixon greeting the Shah of Iran and Empress Soraya,
Courtesy of Dwight D. Eisenhower Library

The Shah of Iran, 12/13/1954
Courtesy of Dwight D. Eisenhower Library

President Eisenhower greeting the Shah of Iran and Empress Soraya,
Courtesy of Dwight D. Eisenhower Library

Photograph of President Eisenhower and the Shah of Iran 12/13/1954
Courtesy of Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
December 13-15, 1954 - Unofficial visit. Afterwards visited San
Francisco, Sun Valley (Idaho), and New York City. Departed U.S. February
11, 1955.

President Eisenhower greets Prinecess Shahnaz Pahlavi in Washington DC.
Also pictured is Iranian Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi - 05/2/1960
Courtesy of Dwight D. Eisenhower Library

Eleanor Roosevelt and Shah of Iran in Teheran, Iran , 03/20/1959
Courtesy of The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library

Photograph of President Truman shaking hands with the Shah of Iran upon
the Shah's arrival at Washington National Airport., 11/16/1949
Courtesy of The Truman Library

Photograph of a banner welcoming the Shah of Iran to Washington, during
a parade in the Shah's honor, with a view of the Capitol in the background.,
Courtesy of The Truman Library

Photograph of the Shah of Iran speaking at Washington National Airport,
during ceremonies welcoming him to the United States, as President Truman looks
on., 11/16/1949
Courtesy of The Truman Library

Photograph of the Shah of Iran outside George Washington's home, during
his tour of Mount Vernon., ca. 11/16/1949
Courtesy of The Truman Library

Photograph of the President and Mrs. Truman with the Shah of Iran, in
formal attire, during the Shah's visit to the United States., ca. 11/18/1949
Courtesy of The Truman Library

Photograph of the Shah of Iran, followed by a military procession, after
laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National
Cemetery., ca. 11/16/1949
Courtesy of The Truman Library

Photograph of President Truman, the Shah of Iran, Secretary of State
Dean Acheson, and other dignitaries standing at attention, during ceremonies
welcoming the Shah to Washington., 11/16/1949
Courtesy of The Truman Library

Photograph of President Truman, Secretary of State Dean Acheson, the
Shah of Iran, and other dignitaries at ceremonies welcoming the Shah to
Washington, during his visit to the United States., 11/16/1949
Courtesy of The Truman Library

Photograph of President Truman shaking hands with the Shah of Iran upon
the Shah's arrival at Washington National Airport., 11/16/1949
Courtesy of The Truman Library

Photograph of President Truman and the Shah of Iran shaking hands at
Washington National Airport upon the Shah's arrival in the United States, with
the President's airplane, "The Independence" (which had brought the Shah to
Washington) in the background., 11/16/1949
Courtesy of The Truman Library

Photograph of President Truman with the Shah of Iran in the Oval
Office., ca. 11/18/1949
Courtesy of The Truman Library

Photograph of President Truman with the Shah of Iran in the Oval
Office., ca. 11/18/1949
Courtesy of The Truman Library
November 16-20, 1949 - Good will visit. Afterwards visited New York
City, Princeton (New Jersey), West Point (New York), Detroit (Michigan),
Fort Knox (Kentucky), the Grand Canyon (Arizona), Las Vegas (Nevada),
Phoenix (Arizona), San Diego, Los Angeles, and Sun Valley (Idaho).
Departed U.S. December 13.
of Welcome to the Shah of Iran at the Washington National Airport. - November
16th, 1949
of the President and the Shah - November 16th, 1949
of the President at a Dinner Given in His Honor by the Shah of Iran - November
18th, 1949
Statement Following Discussions With the Shah of Iran - December 30th, 1949

Photograph of President Roosevelt with the Shah of Iran during the
Tehran Conference - November 30, 1943
Courtesy of The FDR Library
Visits Abroad: Iran
Travel Abroad: Iran
Images courtesy of US National Archives (NARA) & Presidential Libraries
اين تار نما را به ياد پدرم، تيمسار سرلشکر علی نشاط، و ساير قهرمانان نيروهای
مسلح شاهنشاهی ايران و جانباختگان راه آزادی پيش کش نمودم
This site is dedicated to my father General Ali Neshat
commander of Imperial Iranian Guards, and to all of the other unsung heroes of
the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces who fell in the name of Iran.
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تصاوير زيبای ايران
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